If your flight is canceled or rescheduled and you won’t be able to make it to the rental desk at the scheduled pick-up time, you should message us as soon as possible. We’ll do our best to inform the supplier. Depending on their policy and availability, they may be able to hold the vehicle for you until later that day or the next — in the latter case, you'll likely still be charged for the first day even though you didn’t have the vehicle.
Jollei palveluntarjoaja pysty muuttamaan noutoajankohtaasi tai aiot aikatauluttaa matkasi uudelleen, voimme etsiä sinulle uutta autoa, tosin nykyhinnoilla.
Rescheduled and canceled flights are out of our control, and we aren’t responsible for any issues you run into or additional costs you may face due to them. We advise you to check with your airline or travel insurance for possible compensation.