In most cases, you’ll only be able to pay the remaining balance with a credit card in the name of the main driver. You’ll need a physical card, as most suppliers won’t accept virtual payments (like Google Pay or Apple Pay). Also, be sure that it has sufficient funds, won’t expire for at least three months after the rental, has a daily limit that is high enough, and that you can use it in the country you’re traveling to (you may need to call your bank to let them know you’ll be traveling).
Be careful — you may think that your debit card is a credit card. A credit card is one where you borrow money from the bank by using it and pay it back later. If the funds are directly taken from your account when you use the card, it is not a credit card.
Sometimes, you can use a debit card to pay the remaining balance. You can filter for this in the search results. You can also see exactly which cards are accepted in the Rental Conditions of each car.